Online prices monitoring and comparison

Today we have already
compared for our customers
right now we are comparing data of customers
We monitor more than products
and today we exceeded that by new ones
tracking, monitoring and comparing of prices of all products on any European online market. Work with the most accurate data about your products

Price-check is a professional tool for monitoring and comparing prices of any products on the online market. Thanks to the Price-check application you will have a comprehensive information support for (not only) easy, fast and efficient pricing for your products in B2C, B2B i contractor environment.

For the most discerning ones
Real-time monitoring with frequency up to 144 updates per day!


Typical Price-check customers are online retailers (e-shops) and distributors of products to the market (contractors). E-shops use the data for fast and batch comparison of the offered product range against the competitors. The contractors then mostly use the system for extremely accurate monitoring of price movements on the online market and tracking the co-called creators and followers.

Application home page

Your data is available around-the-clock, online, on your phone and even on your tablet


A place for batch evaluation of compared data. Statistical points of view, graphs across different dimensions.

Lower prices

Who sells at a cheaper price? Today, yesterday, the last week?

Display of the graph in relation to specific data

Finding a connection between individual quantities (availability vs lower prices, etc.)

Intersection of assortment

Competitors offering the same goods

Price changes

The display of information about the change of product prices within a day

Price distribution

A comprehensive view of the whole market. Who sells at a lower price within a brand or a category

Data browsing

Online data of your competitor always available

Product detail

Product detail with a historical development of price and stock availability

My products

Results of comparing my products

Price development chart

Price development chart of the compared product

Comparison detail

Comparison detail of my product with the possibility of manual pairing adjustment


Main functions



Price-check is a unique tool which has many possible uses . Examples of those the most common are mentioned below.
Who sells at a lower price?

Automatic reports regularly let you know who sells at higher or lower price within a product, a brand or a category.

Does my assortment match the one of my competitors?

After a single click you can find out how many same products within a specific brand or category are sold by the competitors.

Am I missing out on some interesting assortment?

Find out which products from your field “sell like hot cakes” and you don’t have them in your assortment.

Do I have a better stock availability than my competitors?

A well-arranged report of goods which the competitors have in stock.

How do the competitors deal with logistics and stock availability?

Which retailer often changes stock availability in correlation with selling prices?

How often do the competitors change prices?

An immediate overview of price “fluctuants.”

Who dropped the price first?

By using real-time data you will immediately find out who was the first price “ruiner”.

What was the historical development of the prices?

You can discover trends using timeline reports.

